Wednesday, December 14, 2011

[13 dec 2011]

Tiada perasaan yg dapat digambarkan..Alhamdulillah...Aku masih lagi diberi peluang bernafas di muka bumi TUHAN ini...
"I am another year older, wiser & more grateful. Just wanted to say τнäиκ..чöü for all the birthday wishes, for all the love, support & thoughtfulness. Always remember, time is like a river, u cannot touch the same water twice, coz the flow that has passed will never pass again. Enjoy every moment of life & May ur life be blessed. اِ نْ شَآ ءَ اللّهُ . Amin ."
This is the same post at my FB wall...ermm terharu ramai gak yg wiSh even yg x baper rapat dgn aku pun turut menDoakan kesejahteraan utk aku..Terima kasih yg x terhingga buat seMua..Moga aku akan semakin tabah & sabar didalam dugaan di hari2 mendatang. Kita diduga & diuji diatas sebab musabab yg hanya DIA ketahui.......

Pantai Bagan Lalang, Sepang || Nov 12th, 2011

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